Friday, September 30, 2005

Would you buy a soda from this boy?

There's a soda company called Jones Soda, and their labels feature a variety of photographs submitted by customers. I decided to submit a few, and people who visit the site can rate the photos. I don't know if having a high rating helps the photos get selected, but here are the photos I've submitted. If you click on the photo (or the highlighted text), you'll go to the page where you can see what the photo looks like on the label. Vote early and often!

This is Waterboy about a year ago. ( I'm still learning how to use Photoshop to convert color images to black and white.)

This photo is from last Christmas

And here are a couple more I couldn't upload to the blog.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Some wise advice

Waveboy started his second session of karate today, and he was one of two returning students in his class. The teacher (or sempai) likes to remind all of the students about where it is OK to do karate and where it's not. The dojo? OK. The playground? Not OK.

Today she asked the students if it was OK to do karate on the roof. The class answered "No!"

And Waveboy added, "If you do karate on the roof, you might not focus on the edge."

Well said, Waveboy. Well said.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Today's Special Feature: Waterboy

The name of the blog might be Waveboy, but Waterboy is a key player on the team. I realized recently that I probably wasn't taking as many still pictures of Waterboy as I did of Waveboy (to be fair, we have very little video of Waveboy, and much more of Waterboy), so I made a small dent in the imbalance a few weeks ago.

Waterboy often wants to do what he sees Waveboy doing, which is probably why he wanted to carry Waveboy's backpack. (He can already identify Thomas, although he doesn't yet have a full-blown addiction.)

He likes trying on big shoes.

He enjoys a refreshing beverage.

A pitchman for Diet Rite.

And he likes to sit at the table like a big boy.